Green Circle Project


Micro-credentials in Construction

Project results

Report with analysis of a Green Skills micro-credentialing ecosystem

Report for a sustainable model for Green Skills micro-credentialing in Construction sector

Report with Analysis of Microcredential  provision and quality assurance for a Green Skills micro-credentialing ecosystem in Construction sector

8 educational modules in related to green skills development in construction sector in the form of Open Educational Resources

From our blog

Are women in construction confined to admin?

Are women in construction confined to admin?

One of the overarching themes of Green Circle is addressing the gender bias in the construction industry and exploring whether micro-credentials might provide a way to lower some of the barriers to entry. To start us off I've been researching the general picture for...

Micro Credentials for km.0 architecture

Micro Credentials for km.0 architecture

There is an emergency situation due to climate change in which the construction sector currently generates a high percentage of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere. Therefore, there is a need for a path towards a more sustainable architecture that responds to concerns...

European approach to micro-credentials for Construction Industry

European approach to micro-credentials for Construction Industry

The construction industry is undergoing significant changes, driven by digital innovation, the shift towards sustainable practices, and the need for new skill sets to meet green targets. Traditional education and certification pathways may not be agile enough to keep...

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First newsletter

Project's first newsletter has been published. You can find it here