Project Partners
TecMinho – Portugal
TecMinho is a knowledge transfer organisation, as an interface of the University of Minho and the Leader of the Green Circle project

Pontydysgu is a research and development SME in Valencia with main focus the use of technology for teaching, learning and knowledge development

Active Citizens Partnership – Greece
Active Citizens Partnership is non-for-profit organisation on education and inclusion operating in Greece since 2009

CICCOPN – Portugal
Centro de Formação Profissional da Indústria da Construção Civil is a reference institution in the civil construction sector in Portugal
CASAIS – Portugal
Casais Group is a construction company since 1958 with a focus on innovation, sustainability, development and technology
UNIR – Spain
Universidad Internacional de La Rioja (UNIR) is a 100% Online University with a high-quality virtual model of higher education

Aransa – Spain
The Aransa Group with a consolidated track record since 1973, is a reference in La Rioja and elsewhere , both in public and private works.

Bauindustrieverband Niedersachsen Bremen (BVNB) – Germany
The Construction Industry Association of Lower Saxony-Bremen e.V. is the business and employers’ association for the construction industry in the area

PEDMEDE – Greece
Panhellenic Association of Engineers Contractors of Public Works represents the Construction sector in Greece since 1935

VBB Nord – Germany
Since 1974, the Verein zur Berufsförderung der Bauwirtschaft Nord e.V. (VBB Nord e.V.) has been qualifying skilled professional of the construction industry

DUTH – Greece
Democritus University of Thrace is the first Greek regional multi-campus University. It is geographically dispersed throughout 4 cities of Thrace