Environmental change is a key driver of labour demand and skills supply in all sectors of activity, and the climate crisis has a particularly strong impact on the construction industry. This results in the need for new skills, competences and knowledge in the workforce to achieve a green transition in construction.
The creation of micro-credentials for more agile training and updating of the skills of workers in the sector will play a crucial role in professional qualification, with a special focus on green skills, which are essential for the digital and ecological transition of construction.
This will be the central topic to be discussed at the Webinar “Micro-credentials in the Construction Sector”, promoted by TecMinho, Grupo Casais and CICCOPN, to be held on 11 November at 2.30am, and which is part of the activities of the Erasmus + project “Green Circle – Micro-credentials in the Construction Sector”.
Participation is free, subject to prior registration (places are limited).
Program and Free enrolment: https://www.tecminho.uminho.pt/formar/webinar-microcredenciais-no-setor-da-construcao
(The event will be in Portuguese language).